Question Paper Pattern for CBSE UGC NET:
Exam Mode:
The test will consist of three papers.
UGC Net takes place in Offline mode.
Type of Questions:
OMR Sheet:
Candidates have to mark their answers on the Optical Mark Reader Sheet also called OMR Sheet.
Type of Questions:
All the papers will have objective-type questions i.e. MCQs.
Number of Paper:
Total 185 questions will be asked in NET which is divided into 3 papers.
Number of Questions:
Number of Questions:
Paper-I will have 50 questions,
Paper-II will have 50 questions and
Paper-III will have 75 questions.
Medium of Paper:
Choice selecting medium for the paper can be exercised at the time of filling the form. Candidate can choose the paper medium as either Hindi or English.
The Paper-I consists of General Aptitude Questions testing Reasoning Ability, Comprehension Reading, Mental Ability, and General Awareness.
Paper-II and III contain questions related to the concerned subject.
Exam Duration:
Paper-I and Paper-II will be of 1 hour 15 mins,
Paper-III will be of 2 and half hours.
Marking Scheme:
Each correct answer will carry 2 marks and good news is that there is no negative marking.
ReplyDeleteThanks for updating the UGC NET Exam 2021, I would like to add more details about UGC NET Exam.
The National Eligibility Test (NET) commonly referred to as UGC NET or NTA UGC NET Exam, started in the year 1989-90, is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on behalf of the University Grants Commission (UGC) for 81 different subjects.
First, let me start by introducing the organisations.
About UGC NET Exam:
UGC (University Grants Commission) was established in 1956 as a statutory body by the Indian Government. Its objectives were to coordinate, determine and maintain the standards of higher education.
While, NTA (an Indian Government Agency) was established in November 2017 to conduct entrance examinations for institutes of higher education, nationwide.
The UGC NET exam was earlier conducted by the CBSE but from December 2018 onwards it is being conducted by the NTA. It is conducted typically twice a year (June & December Cycles) and more than 5 lakh students appear for the exam each cycle.
What is the full form of NET?
NET stands for National Eligibility Test which is conducted with the primary aim of determining the eligibility for the posts of Assistant Professor (AP) & Junior Research Fellowship Award (JRF) in universities and colleges in India.
You can read more about the NET exam here.